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Hey, I’m dotCore — Full Stack & Software Developer.

Crafting incredible projects with love from France, setting up complex scalable infrastructures and making your awesome dreams come true for years.

dotCore photo

My Journey

I've always been curious about what could be going on behind our favorite software and games, that's why I started getting into computing through reverse engineering back in 2017.
From reproducing a game client's server to DRM bypassing, this was a great way to understand fundamentals and dig into IT.
Then, I learnt Development through projects and time while my studies made me proficient in SysAdmin and Network Management, key skills to ensure a DevSecOps workflow.


Satisfied Users


Projects Complete


Worked Hours


And Counting


Cool Perks

I can't promise you a free Jugger-nog or Speed cola, but bringing the best to your project is my job, and that includes the following stuff.

Software Development icon

Software Development

From simple scripts to complex GUI apps, get your own software or modded experience launched.

Web Development icon

Full-Stack Development

Whether you need a beautiful portfolio or a full featured website, with or without frameworks, it's all up to you.

Code Review icon

Code Review

Get rid of vulnerabilities, create a workflow or ensure code consistency, let's lint this code out.

Fairness icon

Fairness Is Trust

Only pay for what we both deserve.
Transparent invoices with details, exact rate & worked hours, easy as that.

Dashboard icon

Dedicated Dashboard

Request a quote, sign contract or pay your invoices. An all-in-one client-friendly website is provided to fit your needs.

Consulting icon

Free Consulting

Need help? I can bring my experience to determine if you took good decisions for your project, even budget-wise.

Client Highlights

Meet some of my past partners, awesome people that I collaborated with to create crazy stuff by their side.

Waurum Community logo

Waurum Community

Managed this french esport related association while providing and maintaining online microservices.

July 2020 - January 2022
Thriving Ventures logo

Thriving Ventures

Worked as a Developer on Monolith and MonoSuite, a comprehensive game experience and a SaaS solution.

December 2022 - October 2023
Project S logo


Lead Developer for an ambitious online experience, responsible for engineering and software development.

February 2023 - Now